International Laboratory Network intends to hold a series of meetings on food safety and quality testing in collaboration with members. The purpose of holding this meeting is to exchange laboratory knowledge in food safety and quality testing and also get acquainted with the capabilities of member countries to establish joint cooperation and provide laboratory services in this field.
A Webinar on the topic “food Safety and quality testing Residual Toxins” was organized by the International Laboratory Network and invited speaker Dr. Mohsen Moeowati, associate professor of pesticides residue research lab, and Dr. Isnaeni, professor of the physics research center of Indonesian that was held on 87th December 2021 at 8:300 A.M (GMT).
The webinar was attended by more than 50 scientists from 6 countries and more than 200 people viewed the program online through the network site.
The first speaker at the webinar was Dr. Isnaeni, who spoke about the “Detecting toxic elements and molecules on food and plants using LIBS and SERS”. First, the doctor introduced the sources of toxins that are produced in everyday life. At the beginning of the webinar, Dr. Isnaeni introduced the sources of toxins that are produced in everyday life. there are different sources of toxins like pesticides, cars, oils, and fuel that are produced in daily life. these toxins have adverse health effects can be acute poisoning ranging from allergic reactions to severe stomachache and diarrhea, and even death.
He then discussed the methods and equipment for identifying these toxins and introduced a new method used to identify them, which includes: Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS).
The second speaker at the webinar was Dr. Morowti, who spoke about the “Rapid Bioassay of pesticides residue (RBPR) On agricultural products and the impact of pesticides on human health”. first Dr. Morowati spoke about pesticides and their definition, advantages, disadvantages, and effect of it on human health. then he introduced pesticides consumption pattern by farmers and impact of these pesticides in human life and disease caused by it.
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